The listing date for the initial public offering (IPO) of SBFC Finance Limited has been scheduled for August 16, 2023. The equity shares of SBFC Finance Limited will be listed and admitted to trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on this date. The shares will be included in the ‘B’ group of securities for trading purposes.

This announcement marks an important milestone for SBFC Finance Limited, as it allows the company’s shares to be publicly traded on the stock exchange, providing investors with the opportunity to buy and sell shares in the secondary market. Listing on a stock exchange offers liquidity and visibility to a company’s shares and is a significant step in its journey as a publicly traded entity.

SBFC Finance Limited’s shares on Dalal Street suggests optimism and positive expectations for the IPO listing. Here’s a summary of their comments:

  • Strong Debut Expected: Experts anticipate that SBFC Finance’s shares may have a strong debut on Dalal Street, which is a reference to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) where many Indian companies are listed.
  • Reasonable Pricing: The IPO is perceived to have been reasonably priced, which could attract investor interest and contribute to a favorable market reception.
  • Impressive Growth: The company’s impressive growth trajectory is noted as a factor driving investor enthusiasm. Strong growth performance can be an appealing factor for investors looking for potential opportunities.

Abhay Doshi, the Founder at, has expressed an optimistic view regarding the potential listing of SBFC Finance shares. His insights suggest a positive sentiment based on the IPO’s strong subscription and positive reception. Here’s a summary of his comments:

  • Strong Response: The IPO of SBFC Finance received an excellent response from investors, which can be attributed to the company’s impressive growth and reasonable valuations. This positive reception during the subscription phase is seen as a positive indicator for the listing.
  • Favorable Listing Expected: Given the positive factors, Abhay Doshi anticipates that the IPO’s positive reception will likely translate into a favorable listing for SBFC Finance shares.
  • Potential Premium: Abhay Doshi further adds that SBFC Finance share price may open at a premium of β‚Ή30 to β‚Ή35 per share. This suggests an expectation of the shares opening at a higher price than the issue price.
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